6 questions to create your list of goals for this year.
The first step in any journey is working out where you want to go. If you don't care where you get to, then it does not matter which path you take. Be specific. Knowing the exact outcome, writing it down and attaching importance to it just might give you enough motivation to change your actions.
Here are a few questions to give you a helping hand in setting some life changing goals.
- Do you want to travel in 2016? When? How much money do you need?
- Are you happy with the amount of “fun/pocket money” you have each week? What amount are you aiming for?
- How much do you need to save for your next car upgrade?
- How much debt do you want to pay off by the end of 2016?
- How much do you need to add to your retirement savings this year?
- What else do you want to spend money on this year that will make 2016 a year to remember?
Are those things important? Are they important enough to consider the following actions?
1. Start/Review a budget (that does not suck all your free time into spreadsheets)
2. Structure your bank accounts to make sure you are saving money
3. Develop strategies to pay off your mortgage quicker
4. Create a financial plan
GPA Financial Planning is here to help. A free financial health check is where we will sit down and review if you are on track for your goals and what you could be doing to ensure you achieve them. If you would like to take advantage of this offer then please click here or send me an e-mail back.
Alternatively, you may want to come along to one of our exciting seminars in 2016.
How to Save More Money for Those who Hate Budgeting
A how to guide without losing your free time to spreadsheets!
Join me on the 14/1/2016
Take up to 15 years off Your Home Loan
5 things you could do today to become debt free sooner!
Live Event: January
Think Twice Before Investing in Property!
How property can destroy your
Only scheduled once in 2016
GPA Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN: 17448 065 495 is a corporate authorised representative of Henderson Matusch Pty Ltd ABN 32 107 343 091 AFSL: 274484