Paperback Version: $15
Kindle Version: $5
Smash Your Home Loan
A Seven Step Guide to Pay Your Home Loan Off up to 15 Years Sooner
What happens to your ability to pay your mortgage when (not if) if interest rates move up from their all time lows?
What happens if unemployment increases and you don’t get your annual pay rise?
What happens if you become unemployed?
Do you want to add some security to your financial future by paying off your home loan quicker?
Fortunately, you can take some really simple steps that can have raw, unadulterated debt smashing power. Their simplicity may make you skeptical, but I can tell you from experience that they do work. This book will teach you:
1. How to get the motivation you need to take action
2. How to use and save interest with an offset or a line of credit
3. How to structure your accounts to make sure you save money
4. How to save tax
5. How debt recycling might help clear your home loan
6. How investing works with debt reduction
7. How to get a good interest rate from your bank
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